BlogFamily Mediation

Cost of Family Mediation v’s Going To Court

Judith Young of Crowther Mediation explains the costs involved in Family Mediation and why transparency is essential.

Transparent Family Mediation Prices

Having worked in legal practice for over a decade before opening my own mediation practice, I knew I wanted to be really transparent about costs with our clients.

All of our clients are going through a difficult period in their lives, emotionally and financially. It is our role as mediators, to help them to identify a way forward. It would not be helpful for us to surprise them with a large bill they weren’t expecting!

Can I get free Family Mediation?

Sadly, it is still a popular misconception that Family mediation is free of charge.  It is not. It takes up to three years to become Family Mediation Council Accredited (the highest level of accreditation), during which time a family mediator will develop their skills to enable individuals to resolve their disputes, without the time and expense of a court process.  These skills should be valued.

Whilst mediation is not free, it is significantly cheaper than legal costs. It is one thing to be transparent about what we charge, but it is also important to be clear about what we charge  for  – no hidden costs.  We don’t charge for letters or telephone calls. We simply charge for the time you spend with a mediator and the time it takes them to draft a final summary of proposals in your case.  This ensures our clients are only paying for the things they need.

Can I Get Legal Aid for Family Mediation?

Our fees can clearly be seen on our website.  However, in some cases, there are no charges for mediation or the costs are reduced.  We hold a legal aid contract and have done since Crowther Mediation was established in 2014. Unlike the family court process,  Legal Aid is still available for those participants in mediation on a low income.   If one party to the mediation is in receipt of legal aid, the Legal Aid Agency will cover the costs of the MIAM for both parties AND the cost of the first mediation session,  regardless of the income of the second party.

Those clients who are in receipt of legal aid for mediation can also access FREE legal advice during the mediation process, including help towards the drafting of court orders based on agreements reached in mediation.

What is the Family Mediation Voucher Scheme 2024?

In 2022 the Ministry of Justice launched a FMC voucher scheme allowing ALL participants in mediation (regardless of income and assets) £500 inc VAT towards the costs of the mediation process, where they are mediating in relation to the arrangements for a child/children.  Following it’s fist year, the scheme was hailed a success, in that there has been a significant decrease in the number of private law children matters proceedings through the family court system.  The MOJ have committed to continue with the scheme until March 2025. You can view our Voucher Client Consent Form here.

What is the average cost of Family Mediation?

It usually takes two to three sessions to resolve matters through mediation, taking into consideration the cost of the MIAM and the written outcome, parties can expect to pay less than £1,000 each to resolve their dispute in mediation.  Meanwhile, the average cost of financial court proceedings on divorce in the UAE is ????? and the average UAE cost of court proceedings involving children is ????

The remit of a mediator is to save those in dispute time and costs at a time when they can ill afford either.

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about the mediation process and the costs involved, please contact us on 0330 390 3398 or email [email protected]